June 7, 2018
June 5, 2018
The Louisa Water and Sewer Commission met in regular business session June 5, 2018 with Mayor Harold Slone presiding. In attendance were Board Members Steven Lycans, Mitch Castle, Heath Preston, and Sam Lester.
- Call to order, 6:10pm
- Motion to approve minutes by Sam Lester, Second by Heath Preston, All approve.
- Reviewed Financials. A significant increase in expenses was noted, due to a very large amount of leaks during the cold weather of January and February. No actions taken.
- Mayor updated the board on the Sewer I & I project. Total current price from P & A Engineering is estimated at $2,495,912. Project would replace storm and sanitary sewer lines on Lock Ave. and Pike St. The project would be given 50% principal forgiveness from KIA once the loan is approved., making final cost to the city $1,247,956. Motion by Sam Lester, Second by Steven Lycans, to approve the proposed price range and submit request to KIA To be put on the agenda for loan approval. All approve. Will go to city council for final approval. This project is necessary due to storm water causing non-compliance at the sewer plant every time it rains.
- Mayor updated on Downtown Water main replacement project. Advised that he had contacted Kentucky Engineering Group and that the plans will be complete in approximately two weeks for submission to Division of Water. Project should be advertised for bid in Mid July 2018.
- Mayor updated on Meter Changeout project. All meters have been changed, with exception of a few that need repair by the water dept. before changeout can take place. Discussed updating customer policy to include charges for damage to meter antenna. Mayor noted that a revenue increase should be noticed in the upcoming billing cycles due to significantly more accurate reads.
- Sewer Department supervisor, Randy McDaniels, provided updates on sewer system. Updated on repairs being made and in progress on Lift Stations and the sewer plant. Progress in the department was noted by no current E. Coli violations and many repairs being made that have been needed.
- Distribution department supervisor provided updates on repairs and current state of distribution system. No significant problems were noted.
- Opened Bids for Tank and pump system on Tank Truck. One bid was received from Adam Smith, in the amount of $1,650. for the 2,000 gallon water tank and removal. Motion By Heath Preston, Second by Steven Lycans. All approve. Jeff Kinser abstained from voting.
- Mayor reviewed quote of lease of a lift truck for the sewer department. Price estimate was provided by Enterprise Leasing in the amount of $692.31 per month for 5 years. With a down payment of $12,000. Mayor advised that a significant amount of money is spent in pulling pumps at lift stations, this truck would allow the sewer department to do this on their own and not have to contract it out at significant cost. It would also be used for preventative maintenance on lift stations.
- Attorney Bud Adams advised that he reviewed the discussion from the April Meeting concerning Pressure Reducing Valves. He contacted an official in Frankfort to receive clarification on the current code requirements. They advised that each water heater is required to include a pop-off valve to prevent pressure from bursting the tanks. Board members discussed various ideas for prevention. No actions were taken.
- Motion to adjourn by Heath Preston second by Mitch Castle. All approve. Adjourned at 8:47