Last Call for Fair Goers!
By Melissa Blackburn
Saturday brought out a record crowd to fair through the day. Starting the day with the registration of many things at 10am. The car, tractor, and cycle show were registering in the Methodist Church parking lot, while farmers and crafters were registering produce and exhibits in the culture arts tent sponsored by the University of Kentucky Lawrence County Extension Service. There were record numbers in attendance of the car show this year both entrants and spectators. The cooperative extension tent was buzzing with youth and adults dropping off their crafts, produce, and products. The winners in the event categories:
Strawberry Jelly- 1st place: Shane Howard
Cucumbers- 1st place: Shane Howard
Biggest Sunflower Head- 1st place: Cason Cantrell
Leaf Collection- 1st place: Hadley Compton
Framed Drawing- 1st place: Tyler Adkins
Mounted Photo- 1st place: Leland Adkins
Best Plate of Green Beans- 1st place: Dave York
Best Homegrown arrangement of flowers- 1st: Debbie Cordle
Most creative horticulture display- 1st: Peggy Cantrell
Baked Good- 6 cookies- 1st place: Audra Kingsmore
1-pint sweet pickles- 1st place: Debbie Cordle
1-pint jelly- 1st place: Debbie Cordle
Food Preservation: Beets- 1st place: Debbie Cordle
Food Preservation: Green Beans- 1st place: Debbie Cordle
1 pint preserves- 1st place: Debbie Cordle
Photography: Animal-1st place: Danielle Adkins
Soft Textile: Crochet- 1st place: Donna Randall
Soft Textile: Machine Sewn- 1st place: Diana Gauze
Decorative Blanket-1st place: Diana Gauze
Knitted Clothing- 1st place: Danielle Adkins
Down in the livestock arena the youth were preparing their livestock for the sale and buyers were preparing numbers and checking out the merchandise, talking to exhibitors. On the outside of the arena the cornhole tournament was going strong. A record eight teams participated for the $200 prize money, but couldn’t hold off the “2 old crows”. This is the second year for the event and it continues to grow.
Following the livestock auction with record settings itself, the greasy pig contest made the way into the arena. Always a good crowd of participants and spectators for this event. From young to adult there was classes for everyone. Lots of squealing going on not from the pigs either☺ chants and coaching from the onlookers as children and adults looked for the prize.
Tractor Pull contests began revving their engines on the side lot. As the outhouses were nearing the race line behind the livestock pavilion. The tractor pulls featuring Lawrence County’s own Lincus Lemaster. While Lincus didn’t get the finish, he wanted placing 3rd was not so bad for his first event. We look forward to his progress and seeing him again next year. If you are interested in building a Lawn Tractor for the pulls contact Dyer Branch Pulling Club. There are categories for old and young, men and women. In fact, it featured 7 classes for this year 1. 12 Horse Power 1rst Gracie Rayburn 2nd Tyler Richmond 3rd Lincus Lemaster 2. Single Cylinder 1rst JB Moore 2nd Ricklynn Rayburn 3rd Nathan Hall 3. Twin Cylinder 1rst Wanda Neal 2nd JB Moore 3rd Kenny Neal 4. Premium Outlaw Class 1rst Carl Scott 2nd Rick Holt 3rd Kenten Rayburn 5. Outlaw Class 1rst JB Moore 2nd Jeff Thoroughman 3rd. Danny Rowe 6. Stock Belt Burner 1rst Rick Holt 2nd Carl Scott 3rd Jeff Thoroughman Class 7 Granny Pull 50 Years and older 1rst Kathy Rayburn 2nd Becky Carpenter 3rd Wanda Neal Kids Class wen to Kayden and Kaylub. Congratulations to all who participated and the winners
The outhouse races featured 6 teams in its inaugural year. The FFA team in the Chicken Coop was quickly eliminated by The General made up of Mr. Bradshaw’s Carpentry students, who assisted in making all the outhouses hmmm. The Rotary team featuring Sherry Compton on the pot was eliminated by the Outer-Space Outhouse being pushed by Kaitlyn Bowens team who would go on to place second. The Deuce’s wild came in third after eliminating the Kelsey Vance team in the Duke’s Diner outhouse. Looking forward to this event next year with an increase in teams, sponsors and prize money. The General took the $250 prize money, $150 for second and $100 for third. Check out our website for more information on building you own outhouse or you can rent one of ours.
Grounds clear unless you have an arm band you could hear across the PA as the night grew closer to the main event.
Thousands of spectators covered the bleachers and hillside to get a good seat as the bulls took on the cowboys and the girls would race against the clock in barrel racing. The rodeo was delayed a bit waiting for the ambulance that got called away right before start time. Sam L Smith filled in with great entertainment while the crowd awaited start time. The first few bulls got the cowboys off in under 8 seconds, however on the 5th rider of the night came a qualified ride. There were a few hometown cowboys like Woody Thomas who would come out of the chute but not make the 8 second mark. Anthony Akery from Macon, MO would take home the $3000 purse covering 2 bulls and put him in 36th position in the national standings his rookie season of SEBRA (Southern Extreme Bull Riding Association). The girls battled the barrels in the beginning, with Lawrence County’s own Citori Branham knocking one to move her out of contention. Ella Crum, who had a clean sweep of speed events the night before, had a little bit of bad luck rounding the third barrel and her horse slipped and fell, both she and horse are alright and went on to compete the next day winning at Tri C Rodeo in TN. Morgan Reese would win the $1000 prize money and take it back to Export Pennsylvania. Morgan currently sits in the 12th position of the National SEBRA standings. Well I would tell you that concluded the night but not before an awesome concert performance by Sam L. Smith at the livestock arena. Fans gathered around on hay bales and lawn chairs to listen to country music and enjoy the finale of the fair. Sam would play his original song “Blue Jackets” dedicated to those FFA members who volunteered many hours during the fair.
Well it’s time to saddle up and ride on out until next year, where will you be in the audience, a participant, selling something, consider this your invitation to help make Lawrence County Fair the NEXT BIG THING.
I think this is great! In my youth I loved County fairs, I guess I would still if I would go? I get a kick out of these racing lawn mowers, I saw 1 or 2 in my day that would run 60 mph on the road (but not with me on them). It’s good to see people get together and have fun, without alcohol and drugs. It takes me back to a better way of life. Good Job LC and citizens.