Virginia Governor – Is Anybody Safe?
By Glenn Mollette
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam refuses to resign after an alleged picture of him in black face surfaced. Northam at first said the picture was a mistake and then later said the picture was not him at all. He did admit to trying to portray Michael Jackson.
According to Media reports almost everyone has called for Northam to resign as Governor. Northam denies being a racist and admits that he has made some mistakes in the past. He attests there is nothing about who he is today that is racist and that he is inclusive of all people.
At this writing Northam’s future as governor appears bleak with high powered democrats in his state and even nationally calling for his resignation.
Did Northam commit the unpardonable sin? Do we as Americans have unpardonable sins? We certainly do not forgive murder in America as people are executed or spend life in prison. Robbing, stealing from people also carry severe penalties. Illegal drug use and trafficking send people to prison. There are crimes that carry severe penalties in our country and around the world.
However, what if your employer decides to terminate you because of something you did thirty years ago? What if you had an abortion when you were 18? What if a photograph surfaces of you dancing on a table somewhere shows up? What if you used some vulgar language on social media five years ago? What if you stole a cookie out of the cookie jar at your neighbor’s house or took a quarter off someone’s desk? The truth is we have all done something or a few things we probably regret. I wonder how many people in America have been disrespectful to their parents? What about the times we told our teachers that the dog ate our homework? How many times have we let gossip slip out of our mouths? Are you really safe from the past disrupting your life and career today? Apparently not. Everyone is in jeopardy it seems.
Most all of us know we have messed up in the past in some form. People today go through multiple marriages and relationships knowing mistakes were made. We go through jobs and careers knowing that looking back we could have done some things differently. We look back through times of high school, college and young adult life knowing that if we had another chance we would likely do some things differently.
Is there no room for grace and forgiveness in America? What about when a person says, “I have messed up and made mistakes but that’s not who I am today.” Is there no room in America for redemption, a new start with old things being put behind?
If we can never overcome our failures, sins and shortcomings in America then we are surely a doomed society. Oliver Cromwell was right when he said, “If we forget the past we are condemned to repeat it.” However, if we cannot forgive the past we can never outlive it.
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Let him who hath no sin cast the first stone.
I feel for the people who are offended by the action that took place. I also feel for the people who have changed their lives for the better.
We seem to have a knee jerk reaction to everyone these days. A moment in time can change people’s lives. I am for forgiving if that political person is repentant and has shown by subsequent actions to be a caring person for all his/her constitutes. It seems that some people have no better activity in life but to see how much dirt they can dig up on someone else. It would be interesting to see how many of those muckrakers have lived exemplary lives. I am for investigating all accusers of anyone! Let’s even the score.
In my state, we have a U. S. Senator who was accused by his former wife of abuse, apparently during a divorce. He voted against Kavanaugh while keeping silent about his own record. Now he wants to run for President. He’ll not have my vote! He should have recused himself from voting on Kavanaugh, who was treated shamefully by the Democrats trying to use a last minute ploy to derail Kavanugh’s nomination.
No one wants to have shameful actions of youth spread out there for everyone to see. However, one should come forward immediately to either confess and make restitution or prove the unworthiness of the accusation. I sure don’t want that picture of me at the age of four in my birthday suit out there for public consumption!
2 main things that have contribute to this problem FOX news and social media started in the early middle 1990’s been going downhill fast