“The Titan Games” is a sports competition series of 10 episodes, which premiered on NBC on Jan. 3. Hosted by “The Rock” Dwayne Johnson.
Wayne County, WV native Christina Luna was one of 64 competitors selected from across the country. Luna said “It’s definitely outside of the box for me. I don’t typically do things like this, but I’ve tried to do new things over the past few years and thought that this would be a fun one,” Luna said. “I got the phone call and they said I was one of the 64 contestants that were chosen, and I was blown away. I didn’t think they would want me because I don’t quite pair up to the other contestants’ caliber of fitness and didn’t feel like I belonged.”
Luna said she hopes her appearance on the show can inspire others from her home state of West Virginia. She moved to Wayne when she was in the fourth grade and still calls it “home” because that is where she grew up and had lived the longest. She left the area in 2007 after joining the military, then transferred to the Air National Guard and put down roots in Colorado Springs, where she also received her education to become a dental hygienist.
As a mom, Airman, and Dental Hygienist, I never saw myself as an athlete, let alone a competitor. But let me tell you, if I can do this, anyone can.
“Titans aren’t born, they’re made.” That was the daily message from “The Rock” (Johnson) is that the Titan Games are designed to demonstrate that ordinary everyday people are capable of doing extraordinary things, going back to the show’s slogan.
I never knew what it felt like to put myself out there. To expose everything about who I am on a platform to be broadcasted for the world. It’s amazing to me that even though I lost (twice) that I still manage to spark an ounce of inspiration in people.
Courtesy of Christina Luna’s FaceBook Page
References: NBC.Com and The Wayne County News