LOUISA, KY. — The playbook went out the door Wednesday morning as the newly elected Lawrence Fiscal Court went ‘out with the old and in with the new’ changing positions, eliminating positions and changing some workers. The court also voted to stamp out smoking everywhere in the courthouse once and for all. Illicit smoking has reportedly been going on in the upstairs courtroom and offices.
Wednesday’s meeting went over the 2019 agenda handling a lot of new changes including new personnel appointments and salaries for 2019.
A new EMS/911 director was announced, Tim Ellis, the current 911 director was appointed as the new Emergency Management System director to be combined with his present duties as 911 director. He will be paid $14,500 for 911, and $24,500 for EMS for a combined salary of $39,036.56.
Here’s a rundown of other details of the meeting:
Today’s Special Meeting Began with the Opening Prayer and Pledge of Alligience. County Executive Judge, Phillip Carter started with the court agenda stating, “Fiscal Court may limit such personnel reasonable salaries” as he began the approval process.
- The new Deputy Judge, Vince Doty, is the Economic Director and Grant Advisor, and his salary includes $35,000 yearly with $2,500 as Economic Advisor and $2,500 as Grant Advisor totaling $40,000 annually.
- NewCounty Road Foreman, Donald Carter, receives $40,000 annually.
- Tim Ellis, the New EMS Coordinator and 911 Director, receives $24,500 for EMS and $14,536.56 for 911 Director totaling $39,036.56 annually.
- Michelle Miller, as the Finance Officer and Data Processor receives $15,8742.08 for financial officer and $11,520.00 for Data Processor totaling $27,262.08.
- The Judge’s Secretary, Shawna Bartram salary is $931.62.08. bi-weekly.
- Jimmy Cantrell, Animal Control Officer salary is $400.00 bi-weekly.
- Johnny Rickman, Grounds Keeper/Maintenance salary is $14.00 hourly.
- Etna Fletcher salary remains the same as of 2018.
The Approved Bank Account Depositories include City National, Inez Deposit and Citizens Bank were accepted.
Next on the agenda were approved bank signatures which included County Judge Executive, Phillip Carter, Treasurer Sabrina Cantrell and Vince Doty.
The Motion was passed to have the Fiscal Court meeting times stay the same every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 10:00am in the Louisa Court House.
Next was the Approval of Elected Officials and all bonds were received.
The Motion to Approve to Give the Authority to Sign, Accept and to administer all grants was passed.
Recurring expense list and Judge to Purchase up to $19,999 was approved.
County Judge Executive, Phil Carter announced Daniel Castle and Paul Wells were appointed the Regional Jail Board. It is Lawrence County’s turn for the chairmanship and Daniel Castle will be chairman”.
The Approved Applicant Agents are Finance Officer Michelle Miller, Assistant Judge
Executive, Vince Doty and County Road Inspector, Donald Carter.
Next was the Approval of a Non-Smoking Courthouse. Rick Blackburn, Distract Four Magistrate made the motion and Michael Halcomb, Distract One Magistrate 2nd the second to pass. Vote unanimous.
KRS 67.725 was passed for a time when the Regular Judge Executive is absent or disable the line of succession would fall to the Deputy Judge Executive.
At that time the meeting was adjourned.
(Judge Carter said a detailed release of his plans will be released Thursday and we will post it as soon as we get it)
Lazer editor Mark Grayson contributed to this story
Who was Judge Osborne’s Deputy Judge?
He never had an assistant.
Big mistake replacing Michael Woods as EMA director. We can see that now by there being no weather alerts or traffic alerts. Lawrence County will regress to the time EMA was first started. No experience means big problems. Mr Woods has taken it upon himself to try to keep the public informed by converting the old EMA page to the scanner page. Shame on you Mr Phil Carter for causing such a mess.
Same old judge. New year. Just what did he do that was so good last time? I remember our county going broke. Roads got worse. Family and friends everywhere. Nope. No change there. Why does he need an assistant? Why replace people who did a great job? Sure hope I’m wrong but I think it’s going to be a long 4 years. A lot can happen in that amount of time. Just hope some of it is good.