October 12, 2017
Purchase of new police cruiser is approved
LOUISA, KY. — The Louisa City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, October 10, 2017, with Mayor Harold Slone presiding. Present were council members Mitch Castle, Ron Cordle, Matt Brown, Lisa Schaefer, and John Nolan. Tom Parsons was absent.
The meeting was called to order and opened with the Pledge and prayer.
Minutes were approved from September 12, 2017 special meeting, Motion by Lisa Schaefer, Second by John Nolan, all approve.
* First reading of Ordinance 2012-09-1a, “Amendment to Ordinance Relating to the Regulation of the Parking of Motor Vehicles within The City of Louisa”.
This ordinance would prohibit overnight parking of tractor trailers on city streets and also prohibit parked vehicles from completely blocking sidewalks. Motion to approve made by John Nolan, Second by Matt Brown, all approved.
* First reading of Ordinance 2017-07, “An ordinance Relating to the Valuation and Taxation of Property within the City Of Louisa”.
This ordinance is to set tax rates for the upcoming tax year. There will be no change in the tax rate, it remains the same as last year. Second reading of this ordinance will take place on Thursday, October 12, 2017 at 5:45pm so City Clerk can complete work on tax bills. Motion by Ron Cordle, Second by John Nolan, All approved.
* First Reading of Ordinance 2017-08, “An Ordinance Regulating the use of Fireworks in the City of Louisa, KY”.
This ordinance prohibits the use of fireworks within the city limits except for on the Holiday periods of Independence Day and New Years Eve, Residents can apply for a free permit through the city if they wish to use fireworks for other occasions. It was advised that fireworks were the #1 complaint called into the Police Department this summer. A brief discussion resulted in also allowing fireworks in the city on Labor Day and Memorial Day, as well as allowing the Mayor to sign executive order allowing fireworks on other occasions. Motion to approve by Lisa Schaefer, Second by Ron Cordle, All approved.
* Mayor advised council of change in the City’s insurance provider, Previous insurance company, Wright Municipal, no longer writes coverage in Kentucky, the City Is now insured by Kentucky League of Cities insurance. A motion to approve making Debbie Cordle the insurance agent of record was made by Ron Cordle, second by John Nolan, All approve.
* Council discussed a resolution recommended by the Kentucky League of Cities to support the splitting of the County Employee Retirement System (CERS) for the Kentucky retirement system.
This is a result of the current situation of the state’s retirement system, which is near insolvency. This move, if approved by the state, would split the CERS retirement system into its own, since it is more fully funded than the state system. All cities, counties and school systems in the state participate in the CERS system. Motion for the resolution to support splitting CERS from the Kentucky State retirement System was made by Ron Cordle, Second by Lisa Schaefer, all approved.
* Council discussed change in garbage dumpster policy. Currently commercial customers must purchase a dumpster at full price.
The city proposes changing the policy, where a commercial customer is given a dumpster, but must pay a $5 monthly maintenance fee to pay for the dumpster itself and any future maintenance. This would also include customers who have already paid for dumpsters to allow them to elect to give the dumpster back to the city and pay a pro-rated maintenance fee, so the city will maintain the dumpster, as many dumpsters are in bad shape due to customer neglecting to maintain them.
* Police Chief Greg Fugitt discussed the need for a new police cruiser, an older Crown Victoria cruiser has a bad transmission and cost to repair exceeds the value of the vehicle. Chief Fugitt had budgeted for the lease of a new Cruiser in the current year’s budget. Chief Fugitt will secure final price for a new cruiser.
* Council discussed forming an annexation committee to complete the discussion of the proposed annexation of HWY 2565.
Attorney Bud Adams advised that committees of council were not allowed under state law. Council will draw out a proposed map of annexation at the next regular meeting.
* Mayor Harold Slone advised council of a proposed lease of open space area on Main Cross St., between Town Square Bank and the old Video Warehouse building.
This project was proposed by Keith Chaffin, Tourism Chairman and Mayor Slone, to create a fenced in picnic/cafe area, funded by tourism. The Property owner has agreed to lease the space to the city for no charge. Attorney Bud Adams will draw up a lease agreement for the space.
* Council went into executive Session to discuss litigation. No actions were taken.
The meeting was then adjourned.